Treatment of migraine with classical homeopathic medicine is principally the same as treatment of any other chronic exacerbating illness with classical homeopathy in adults as well as in children. It is important to speak about the main symptoms in detail. At the beginning of homeopathic treatment it is necessary to consult the person with migraine about the course of events of the migraine attacks, how the migraine attack starts, if it starts with an aura and in which way the aura develops, what makes the situation worse or what helps the person feel better and if there is any specific cause that provokes the migraine attack. It is important to know the exact location of the pain, the quality of pain and about the radiation of the pain to other parts of the head or body as well as if anything else joins the pain like nausea or changes in the ability to concentrate. Therefor it is good to clarify what modifies the pain, what helps or causes worsening of the pain as this is also important so that the right homeopathic remedy may be chosen. So what the person with a migraine attack avoids or what he instinctively does to ease the pain of the migraine is useful information for a homeopathic doctor. It is good to observe what makes the migraine worse or what eases the pain during the migraine attack.

And taking a case of migraine in children is the same. All these particularities are important for classical homeopathic treatment of children with migraine as well. The advantage in comparrison to orthodox medicine is that homeopathic medicines do not have contraindications nor side effects as pharmacological medicines do. There is one important difference in treatment of migraine in adults and children in orthodox medicine. Some specific pharmacological medicines prescribed for adults with migraine are not used for treatment in children at all.

To pick the right homeopathic remedy for a child or an adult with migraine it is important to gather information also about the possible changes before the onset of this exacerbating chronic disease. For example, if a physical trauma preceded the beginning of attacks or for instance a psychological trauma or the onset of menstruation (menarche). The type of appetite, thirst, bowel movement, menstruation in females, sleep and sensitiveness to a certain type of weather condition, together with the type of perspiration is also important for a classical homeopathic doctor in treating children with migraine as well as in treating adults.

Research shows the efficacy of unicist classical homeopathic treatment meaning treatment with a sequence of one homeopathic remedy after another (unicist homeopathy) in children as well as in adults (1,2).

Clinical experience therefor shows that treatment gradually leads to

  • shorter duration of the attacks with classical homeopathy
  • decreased intensity of the attacks with classical homeopathy
  • gradual lowering of the frequency of migraine attacks followed by occurrence of milder headaches towards no headaches. These events in general practice confirm the Levels of health theory by Prof. Vithoulkas (3) with more and more presentations of cases successfully treated by classical homeopathy in neurology (4) as well as other medical specialities.


  1. Danno K, Colas A, Masson JL, and Bordet MF. Homeopathic Treatment of Migraine in Children: Results of a Prospective, Multicenter, Observational Study. The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, 19, 2, February 2013: 119-123
  2. Straumsheim, P, Borchgrevink, C, Mowinckel, P, et al., “Homeopathic Treatment of Migraine: A Double-blind, Placebo Controlled Trial of 68 Patients,” British Homeopathic Journal, January, 2000,89:4-7.)
  3. Vithoulkas G. Levels of Health. The Second Volume of Science of Homeopathy. 3. rev. ed. Sporades, Greece: International Academy of Classical Homeopathy; 2019
  4.  Mahesh S, Glas KL. Migrena – primer zdravljenja s klasično homeopatijo. In: Migrena 2018: zbornik poglavij strokovnega srečanja in učbenik za zdravnike, zdravstvene delavce in študente Medicinske in Zdravstvene fakultete. Ljubljana: Društvo za preprečevanje možganskih in žilnih bolezni, 2018 [Cited March 28, 2019]. Available from: